60 /75/90 min - Relax, recover and unwind with our signature massage. During the massage, various techniques are applied such as the forearm technique.
Pure Freshness Relaxation Session
Massage Prices
60/75/90 min - Targets the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues in the body. Using firm pressure and slow strokes, it aims to release chronic tension and knots, promoting better blood circulation and improved range of motion. Ultimately, deep tissue massage encourages relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall physical well-being.
Deep Tissue Sessie
50 min - The goal is to help improve circulation and that helps the body facilitate. Its own natural healing process, and on a both emotional and physical level, it's able to unblock this sort of, stagnation or stuck-ness that we tend to feel, which is the root of so many health issues.
Cupping & Deep Tissue
60/75 min - Trigger points may form in muscles that are overused, injured, unbalanced, or post-surgery. The primary objective of trigger point therapy is to alleviate the actual source of the pain. A massage gun is used during the therapy.
60/75 min - Een magnesium-massage verlicht en ontspant bij stress, reumatische aandoeningen, spierpijn en kramp, vermoeidheid, slapeloosheid en huidaandoeningen. Verdubbelt het effect op mentale en spierspanning omdat.
Magnesium Massage
45 min - Speciaal ontworpen gezichtsmassageprogramma's die elementen van myofasciale massage, massage met gua sha-stenen en acupressuur combineren. De belangrijkste doelen zijn: het ovaal van het gezicht opheffen, lymfedrainage, "plooien" in het gezicht uitwerken, asymmetrie in het gezicht corrigeren, de huidskleur verbeteren en de gezichtsspieren ontspannen.
Gezicht Massage
60/75 min - Een gespecialiseerde techniek die zachte handbewegingen en lichte druk gebruikt om lymfevloeistof te stimuleren en een gezonde lymfestelsel functie te bevorderen. Deze therapeutische massage helpt bij het verminderen van zwelling, het verbeteren van de immuunfunctie, het ontgiften van het lichaam en het bevorderen van algemeen welzijn.
Lymfedrainage Massage
60 min - for athletes, using techniques such as deep tissue massage and stretching to improve performance, prevent injuries, and accelerate recovery, before, during, or after sporting events, targeting muscles and tissues for optimal condition
Sports massage session
Start your session at NEWLIFE with a thorough intake form and a convo with your therapist so the treatment is tailor-made just for you.
High-vibe, all natural organic body oils and sprays that smell amazing!
After the therapy take your time and and lay down for 10-15 minutes extra. Therapist is never booked back-to-back.
You are never charged extra for advanced techniques like deep tissue or trigger point therapy.
You walk away with helpful tips for at-home stretches and exercises to keep up with your self care after you leave the studio.
We've designed our online booking process to be simple and straightforward. Select the service, date, and time and follow the prompts.